Prime Minister Jake, Or Why Video Games Prove I Should Be In Charge
It’s been just over 8 years, 8 years since I took control of the UK, and look at how far we’ve come. Remember that Horrible recession? Not any more, I’ve already destroyed it, quadrupled our GDP and gave us a £100bn surplus. Remember how close the last election was? Not on my watch, I just…
An Average Day in the Life of Captain Jake, Flight Sim Extraordinaire.
It’s 23:30, the night is dark and the skies are lovely and clear, perfect conditions for what should be an easy run to Dublin. I got the phone call two hours ago, there’s a terrible Irn Bru shortage in Ireland and as their number one customer and resident nutter with a pilots license Barr had…
Rails Woes.
Once again after several hours of work I find myself cursing rails, why oh why does it never play nice with anything? After finally getting the server running in terms of capistrano, a working gem set and no more issues with log ownership rails found yet another way to fuck up. Apparently interacting with mysql…